Kratkoročna ili dugoročna zloupotreba?
Naša država je školski primjer raznoraznih i učestalih zloupotreba moći, no unatoč tome, naš jezik svaku vrstu pogrešne upotrebe ovlasti svodi na izraz 'zloupotreba' dok engleski jezik radi razlike, ovisno o vremenu trajanja iste.
Our country is textbook example of various and unfortunately frequent abuse of power. Nevertheless, our language makes no distinction in terms of the 'wrong' use of power unlike the English language which differentiates it depending on its length of time.
MISUSE (of power)
ABUSE (of power)
Any act resulting in physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering, which was not repeated or it occured only once.something that you do, or a thing that you give someone, that expresses your feelings r or intentions, although it might have little practical effect:
Example: He was found guilty of misusing public funds.
The act of using one's position of power in an abusive way. Misuse of power becomes abuse if it becomes a regular pattern of behaviour. Most abuse is repeated, regular and occurs in a cycle or pattern.
Example: The sitting president is systematically abusing his power, enacting laws that contradict the principles of democracy.
Bilo koji čin ili djelo koje za rezultat ima fizičko, seksualno ili psihičko nanošenje štete ili patnje, ali koje nije ponovljeno odnosno dogodilo se jednom.
Primjer: Proglašen je krivim za zloupotrebu javnih sredstava.
Čin ili djelo korištenja nečijeg položaja moći odnosno ovlasti na nezakonit način u dužem vremenskom razdoblju uz ponavljanje takvog djela.
Primjer: Aktualni predsjednik sustavno zloupotrebljava svoje ovlasti donoseći zakone koji su u suprotnosti sa demokratskim načelima.
USURPATION OF POWER – taking someone's power by force.
Example: The new president usurped the power and turned the country into a tyranny.
PRISVAJANJE MOĆI – preotimanje moći/ovlasti silom.
Primjer: Novi predsjednik je preoteo moć i pretvorio zemlju u tiraniju.
Sources: Business Dictionary, Onelook.com